Accueil Chapelle Notre-Dame de Miremer

Chapelle Notre-Dame de Miremer

The chapel is situated on the hill above the road to Grimaud (at 3 km from the village). It was built in the 19th Century on the place of an ancient medieval chapel.
The origin of the chapel goes down to the Middle Ages. It was the church of the "castrum" of Miravaux on the southern slope of the hill. Over the centuries the name Miravaux became Miremer, "the one that looks to the sea". From the 18th Century a pilgrimage developed that continues to be celebrated every year on the 8th September, the date of the nativity of the Virgin. At the interior of the chapel a collection of ex-voto from the 18th to the 20th Centuries can be seen.



Price list

Free of charge.

Opening period

All year round, daily.


Chapelle Notre Dame de Miremer


colline de Miremer

83680 La Garde-Freinet

+33 (0)4 94 43 76 32
+33 (0)4 94 56 04 93

Contact Chapelle Notre-Dame de Miremer

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