Accueil Galerie Kowalski

Galerie Kowalski

"Harmony can guide your life so that your inner life
become reality".
This could be one of Corinne KOWALSKI's mottos,
renowned Tropez artist, whose sensitive, sensual technique
technique leaves no one indifferent.
Constantly on the lookout for mergers, complicity and complementary mineral, social or spiritual, Corinne is one of those artists Corinne is one of those artists for whom time no longer time no longer exists. A masterful blend of complexity and complexity of extreme simplicity, her work is a visionary visionary performer will be swept away by the joy of living, the gentleness but above all, contemplative beauty. An experienced self-taught painter-engraver, lithographer and fresco artist, she is also a decorator, designer, theater set and stage props designer, this artist has set down her easels the four corners of the globe. Her canvases are chapters in a timeless journey to be savoured to be savored without moderation. Combining top-quality products and materials, the artist is assured of the longevity of her work. of her work. The natural pigments and golds come from Sennelier, while the fine earths are sourced from regions of West Africa. Linen canvases ensure solidity and excellent resistance to climatic and hygrometric differences. The depth and variation of colors according to light and time of day, are the result of fresco and lithography techniques adapted to painting on canvas, and the experience gained from the painter P. Guiramand (1926-2007) and artist artists' meetings in the neighborhood of his first "loft-gallery" in Paris, Montparnasse. The original reproductions on canvas are scrupulously limited, numbered and certified by the artist. The works are authenticated by a certificate provided by the artist.



Opening period

From 01/01 to 31/12, daily. From 15/04 to 15/10, daily.


6, rue d' Aumale

83990 Saint-Tropez

+33 (0)6 08 24 47 71

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