Home Tourist Office


As part of its Quality approach, Saint-Tropez Tourisme does its utmost to provide you with the best possible service through its commitments and compliance with Qualité Tourisme standards.

Particularly demanding criteria

  • We have a team of qualified staff who promote Saint-Tropez and its institutional, cultural and professional players on a national and international scale.
  • We are a public service with a mission to unite professionals and develop the tourist economy in our geographical area of operation, which supports a large natural tourist flow from national and international sources.
  • We offer services designed to generate our own resources and justify a specific commercial policy.
  • We develop a targeted promotional policy and implement customer feedback tools to improve the quality of the services we provide and those of our partners operating in our geographical area.

Our actions are part of an approach that promotes Quality, with the aim of improving our services and our overall performance.

Our team at your service


Administration team

Director of Tourism : Laurent Grosso

Assistant to the Director, Press & Promotion : Valérie Vanden Bossche

Head of Reception – Information and Quality : Cecilia Feres

Head of Destination Marketing & Partnerships – Principal Manager : Angéline Garnier

Marketing & Digital Assistant : Guillaume Barale

Partner Relations and Publications Assistant : Maÿlis Palluis


The Reception

Head of Reception – Information and Quality: Cecilia Feres

  • Tourist’s Office advisor : Stefano Vecchioni
  • Travel Advisor: Gabin Théry
  • Travel Advisor: Anaïs Guiol
  • Travel Advisor: Nathalie Jongen
  • Travel Advisor: Léanaé Trinca
  • Trainee Travel Advisor : Helena Vecchione

+33 (0)4 94 97 45 21


Our missions

  • Advice and technical assistance to Saint-Tropez City Council on tourism matters.
  • Implementation of the town council’s tourism development policy.
  • Organisation of tourist reception and information in Saint-Tropez.
  • Promoting the destination in conjunction with the relevant national, regional, departmental and inter-communal bodies.
  • Tourist development of the town’s heritage and facilities.
  • Management of tourist facilities.
  • Carrying out operations of general interest directly linked to the promotion of tourism, as set out in the annual action agreement signed with the town.


Our actions

  • Information & communication : brochures, website, social networks
  • Promotion – Communication – Press – Public Relations
  • Promotion: running networks of partners and service providers and supporting and organising events
  • Marketing: providing services and selling tourism products
  • Tourism coordination: interface between public and private players, local authorities and service providers, implementation of the Saint-Tropez Destination Quality Initiative, harmonisation of hospitality practices
  • Services for professionals: promotion and enhancement of tourism and local assets, local micro-observatory of tourist numbers, coordination, awareness-raising and federation of local tourism players, business tourism.


Our actions

    • Provide you with an easily accessible reception and information area.
    • Make it easier for you to do what you need to do.
    • Provide you with furniture to sit on.
    • Provide you with free information on the local tourist offer.
    • Display and publicise its opening times in at least two foreign languages.
    • Provide free Wi-Fi access for tourist information.
    • Be open at least 305 days a year, including Saturdays and Sundays during the tourist or entertainment season.
    • Answer your letters all year round.
    • Provide a permanent reception service staffed by people who speak at least two foreign languages.
    • Provide tourist maps, plans and tourist guides on paper.
    • Provide you with access to its dedicated trilingual website, adapted for consultation via on-board media.
    • Distribute its tourist information, also on paper, translated into at least two foreign languages, relating to :
      • all classified tourist accommodation, including at least the name of the establishment, postal address, e-mail address, website address, telephone number and classification level.
      • cultural, natural or leisure monuments and tourist sites, which may include an indication of the prices charged, the periods and times when they are open to the public, the website address and telephone and postal contact details.
      • events and activities.
      • emergency telephone numbers.
      • Update tourist information annually.
    • Display emergency telephone numbers outside.
    • Present the full range of qualified services available in the area for all types of clientele.
    • Give you access to classified accommodation availability.
    • Handle your complaints and measure your satisfaction.
    • Offer a tourist information service incorporating new information and communication technologies (social networks, mobile telephony, geolocation, etc.).
    • Comply with the requirements for Qualité Tourisme certification.
    • Provide you with a holiday advisor.
    • Guarantee the reliability and timeliness of information on the local tourist offer.


    A whole range of services and products

    • Documentation to help you make your choices: The tourist map available on request as part of a sustainable tourism approach and themed brochures, leaflets…
    • Thematic brochures, leaflets, information screens…
    • Ticketing: shows and events, leisure activities and maritime excursions.
    • Guided tours for groups.
    • Reception of cruise stopovers at the Port of Saint-Tropez, from April to November.


    Saint-Tropez Tourisme is a member of:

    Our assignments and services comply with the laws and regulations in force in France, in particular the provisions of the Labour Code, the Tourism Code, the General Code of Local Authorities, the Construction and Housing Code, the Environment Code and the French Data Protection Act (relating to information technology, files and freedoms, amended in 2006 by the Act on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data).

1 results

Tourist Office : Saint-Tropez

Office de Tourisme de Saint-Tropez


