Accueil Concert d'orgue - Alma Bettencourt

Concert d'orgue - Alma Bettencourt

The 24/11/2024

Née en 2004, Alma BETTENCOURT commence le piano à 5 ans. A partir de 2014, elle poursuit ses études dans la classe de piano d'Elena ROZANOVA au CRR de Paris.
Simultaneously from 2016 in Éric LEBRUN's organ class at the CR de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, where she obtained her DEM in 2019. From 2019 to 2021, she studied with Romano PALLOTINI, obtaining her DEM in piano in 2021. At the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, Alma BETTENCOURT studies
organ with Olivier LATRY and Thomas OSPITAL since 2020, obtaining her Licence in 2023, and piano with Emmanuel STROSSER and Cécile HUGONNARD-ROCHE since 2022.
Alma BETTENCOURT has been giving organ recitals and participating in concerts throughout France since 2016. She has premiered works by Michel BOEDEC, in particular "Aleppian Circle"
of which she is dedicatee

Sunday 24 November 2024 at 5 pm.

Free entry.


Église Paroissiale Notre Dame de l'Assomption

Rue Commandant Guichard

83990 Saint-Tropez

04 94 97 05 62

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